[This is from a friends perspective that I decided to write about.]
I always was a person who didn't get why people were so concerned over whether or not their partner was cheating or going to cheat. I figured, if they were cheating, they're not who you thought they were, so then get rid of the jerk! And relationships are about trust. So, just make sure you don't trust the person until you're 100% sure.
It would be different if I wasn't completely in love with him. It would also be different if I thought I deserved him more. Also... That he loves me as well.
I now know from talking to him and observing that he'd never do anything to break my heart, but I still get scared, I still get jealous... As my heart is indeed in his hands, and is very fragile.
I thought this sort of thing would be easy. If anything actually happened, well, at least you know he's not the one, and you can get rid of him.
So now I get it. I understand why people get jealous. I understand why people get so scared that their partner might leave them for another or cheat. If it's not from pervious experience, it's because you're scared the one you love will leave you.
I've learned another thing through this too.
He'd never do it. He loves me and I love him. And in order for the relationship to function properly, I have to trust that he'd never break my heart, and just love him with all I am.
I love you, dear. And I understand why she wants you. But I want you more, and you want me too.
That's why we have each other.